Head of Department Overview Video - Astronomy
Syllabus - Edexcel
Astronomy - Astronomy Syllabus
This course is the perfect course for anyone who is fascinated by space science, by the night sky and by stories about our continuing exploration of our Solar System and Universe. The course has been developed to build on that interest and to give you an introduction to the subject of astronomy. It will enable you to understand our position in the Universe, the movements of planets and stars, the cycles in the night and daytime sky, and the way in which we use technology to observe and interact with space. You will follow an incredible story of how scientists, from ancient civilisations to the modern day, have used their imagination and carefully recorded visual measurement to explore the Universe in which we live.
The GCSE (9–1) in Astronomy consists of two externally-examined papers 1 hour and 45 minutes long each. You must complete all assessment in May/June at the end of year 11. The papers consist of a mixture of different question styles, including multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, calculations, graphical and extended-open-response questions.