
Head of Department Overview Video - History

Syllabus - Edexcel

Link - GCSE History

The GCSE course gives opportunities to study history from a variety of perspectives, including social, economic, and cultural, thereby helping students to appreciate the diversity of the societies studied and the experiences of the people in those societies. It is a wide-ranging course allowing you study in depth across a range of periods and topics. If you have enjoyed history in years 7-9 there is no reason to doubt that you'll enjoy this new GCSE course. You will continue to develop the historical skills which you have already been using: looking at sources, dealing with bias and propaganda, and collecting and organising information.

The course is about helping us to understand the world we now live in and is essentially about people - what they did and why they did it.

Paper 1 - Thematic study and historic environment.

Medicine in Britain c1250-present day and the British sector of the Western Front 1914-1918: injuries, treatment and the trenches or crime 

Paper 2 - Period study and British Depth study

Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588 and The American West

Paper 3 - Modern Depth Study

Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39


Paper 1 - Thematic study and historic environment.

Written examination of 1 hour and 15 minutes. (30% of the total marks)

Paper 2 - Period study and British Depth study

Written examination of 1 hour and 45 minutes. (40% of the total marks)

Paper 3 - Modern Depth Study

Written examination of 1 hour and 20 minutes (30% of the total marks