
Students study a range of topics matching the locally agreed syllabus. 

In Y7 students begin by looking at Local Communities of faith especially in the local area and the Church of England, as well as developing understanding of Christian beliefs, symbolism and Christmas. Spring sees us look at Divine Intervention with a focus on ideas such seeing is believing, the existence of God, Cosmological argument and Beliefs about God. We compare to Hinduism and deities before completing Y7 looking at Beliefs and Belonging including looking at Buddhism, Four Noble Truths, Sikhism and Sikh beliefs.

In Y8 students study three topics - Visions/Values/Purpose, Sacred Earth and Islam/Judaism.

In Visions/Values/Purpose we look at the foundation of Christianity and the story of Jesus at the start of the year and then compare to other visions such as Martin Luther King and Civil Rights, Tutu and Yusuf Islam. We then look at the idea of Sacred Earth and focus on Pachamama, reverse creation and Endangered Species before finishing with an in depth look at Islam, Islamic Beliefs, The Five Pillars, Haj and complete the year with introduction to Judasim, Jewish beliefs and Masada.

In Y9 we complete KS3 with the Holocaust and Human Rights focussing on Jewish Life, Anti-Semitism, Ghettoes and Human Rights. We develop Human Rights by looking into Social Justice, Rights and Responsibilities including Law and Prejudice, Homosexuality, Wealth and Poverty. Our year is completed looking into Crime and Punishment including why people commit crime, the causes of crime, Buddhism and Crime, Christianity and Crime, Prison and Community Service, Capital and Corporal Punishment.