Design and technology is a subject that plays a fundamental role in our everyday lives. With an emphasis on authentic practice, design and technology at BHS promotes creative invention and design innovation that solve real and relevant problems. We prepare students to become critical and creative designers, engineers and consumers of the future.
Students are able to engage in a variety of contexts to understand and appreciate the design and manufacture of existing products, making them more empathetic designers and more discriminating purchasers. Students learn to deliver their thinking and design skills through iterative design processes that allow them to explore, create and evaluate their design concepts.
Our Staff
Mrs Trish Colley
Head of Technology
Mrs Holly Ramsden
Miss S Clark
Ms Stacey Hurst
Design is a funny word. Some people think it's about how it looks. Of course if you dig deeper its really how it works - Steve Jobs
Year 7-9
During Key Stage 3, students analyse the design, materials and manufacturing processes of existing products. In addition to this they conduct research, design, construct and evaluate their own projects.
Year 10-11
GCSE Design and Technology will prepare students to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world. Students will gain awareness and learn from wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors
Sixth Form
Product Design focuses on consumer products and applications and their analysis in respect of materials, components, process and their selection and uses in products and/or systems.