Uniform Policy

(September 2023)

The DfE strongly encourages schools in England to have a school uniform as it can play a key role in:

  • promoting the ethos of the school
  • providing a sense of belonging and identity
  • setting an appropriate tone for education

Beverley High School expects all its pupils to look smart and to adhere to its dress code. We rely on parents/carers to support us in ensuring that their children are appropriately dressed for school. Parents/carers should ensure that all items of their child’s clothing are clearly labelled with the correct name.

The uniform for Years 7-11 consists of the items below. We cannot accept any variations on this uniform.  

Everyday Classroomwear – Compulsory:



Where to purchase

Navy sweatshirt bearing the school logo

Size dependent

Price & Buckland

Plain white or dark navy polo shirt

with logo

With the school logo: 
Price & Buckland

NB parents have the option to buy polo shirts bearing the school logo or to purchase generic polo shirts without the logo

Varied without logo

Size dependent

Without the school logo:

 A variety of high street retailers/ supermarkets/online retailers

Regulation navy school skirt or
Regulation navy trousers

An alternative school skirt can be purchased from M&S

£12.95 - £15.50 (skirt)

£13.50-£16.00 (trousers)

£9.00 - £14.00
Size dependent

Price & Buckland 


M&S Style number T76/0132 or T76/1037

School skirts should be worn no more than 3 inches above the knee. Rolling up the waist is inappropriate and could cause damage to the zip. 

We recommend,

  • 2 sweatshirts,
  • 5 polo shirts and
  • 2 skirts or pairs of trousers. 

These are the quantities the school will supply to Pupil Premium students (from September 2023). 

We recommend that parents size up in polo shirts and sweatshirts when purchasing so that uniform items last multiple years. 

  • Shoes/trainers — flat plain black in leather or PVC (for health and safety reasons) - no logos/markings
  • Socks — plain white, navy or black (ankle or knee length) or Tights — plain navy or black (opaque or sheer)
  • Coat — appropriate for school and weather conditions, no hoodies. 

PE kit—Compulsory:

*Regulation polo shirt bearing the school logo - (current cost £17-£20 depending upon size)

Trutex 2024 Brochure

  • Plain navy or plain black shorts (suitable for gym & dance)
  • Sports trainers with non-marking soles (no canvas shoes or pumps)

PE Kit—Optional/Highly Recommended:

  • *Regulation navy skort or *regulation navy leggings or *regulation pro-track pants
  • Hockey/football boots with plastic studs
  • Pale blue hockey socks
  • Shin pads
  • Regulation outdoor mid layer top
  • Gum shield

*Regulation PE kit must be bought online from https://www.trutex.com/              

Scroll down for the Trutex Flyer 2024

Use this link for the sizing guides:  https://www.trutex.com/tips-and-tricks/size-guides 

The LEA code for our school is LEA00951SC

The school uniform has been assessed as affordable. 

  • The number of branded items is kept to a minimum. 
  • The school does not require additional items for extra-curricular activities.  The school provides team sports kits for which we source sponsorship from local businesses. 
  • The school does not require variations to the uniform for House colours or variations by year group or key stage.
  • The school is not in the habit of regularly changing its uniform.  Any minor changes that are made always have built in phase-out timescales.

Students may also wear……

  • 1 pair of stud earrings or small hoops
  • 1 ring
  • 1 watch

Students must not wear…..

  • Boots (including ankle boots and shoes/ boots that cover the ankle) or canvas shoes
  • Hoodies of any kind
  • Flamboyant hair accessories
  • Leggings, over the knee socks or socks over the top of tights
  • Extremes of fashion and hairstyle including unnatural hair colours
  • Make up—subtle concealer may be accepted
  • Fake tan that does not look natural
  • Coloured nail varnish (including nude colours) - nails must be short in length for health and safety reasons
  • Any form of facial or oral piercing e.g. nose studs, tongue studs
  • Sunglasses
  • Bracelets or necklaces
  • No false eyelashes

  • No unnatural looking eyebrows

Valuable jewellery should not be worn to school and all jewellery should be removed for PE.

Inappropriate items will be placed in an envelope and will be available for collection at the end of the school day.  Pupils who choose not to comply will be issued with an appropriate sanction.

Beverley Joint Sixth Form

Please note that there is not a school uniform for students in Years 12 and 13, though we expect students to dress appropriately for a work day at school.

Second Hand Uniform

The school requests that parents donate any unwanted uniform items to school (particularly at the end of Year 11).   The school donates the uniform which has been given to the school to a Beverley charity shop so that parents can purchase second hand.  We advertise to parents the charity shop (currently Dove House Hospice) to which we donate all second-hand uniform.

Should parents be unable to source second hand uniform and are suffering financial hardship, they are invited to apply to the school for a one-off hardship grant for assistance with school uniform items and/or generic uniform items such as school shoes/coats etc.