Tutor Time


Tutor time is every morning and lasts for 15 minutes. 

This time is precious, and we want to utilise those 15 minutes each morning, to create a calm, focussed and purposeful start to the day. 

Each year group follows their own programme, but it will consist of tutor reading, Big Ideas, a quiz and an assembly. 

Our values badge at the centre of our programme, as we show students examples of compassion, leadership, courage etc in practice through the peoples, cultures and events we focus on.

Our Tutor Reading programme introduces students to a wide range of literary texts from different genres and authors. Students hear an expert reader take them through a text and explore both the themes and complexity of vocabulary. Each year group has their own catalogue of texts but examples include Refugee Boy, Private Peaceful, Around the World in Eight Days, Noughts and Crosses and We Should all be Feminists. 

Between years 7 to 11, students will explore 28 different Big Ideas including Racism, Indigenous People and Feminism.  Each presentation is recorded in-house and lasts around 8 minutes. 

For a full breakdown of our Tutor Programme please visit the Knowledge Hub (link above)