Pupil Premium

Schools receive Pupil Premium Grant funding on the basis of the number of students they have who are eligible for Free School Meals or are a Child in Care or a Service child.

This additional funding is used to pay for a tiered model of support that focusses on effective classroom teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies, planned by our Pupil Premium Lead, SLT  and our Pastoral Team, with the aim of narrowing gaps in attainment and where necessary, to provide a holistic approach to meeting the needs of each of these students including access to visits, paying for curriculum needs such as revision guides and anything else applicable.

The school aims to ensure all students eligible for Pupil Premium Grant perform as well as non-disadvantaged students nationally. This is done through

  • Regular reference to research published by the EEF (and similar organisations) that demonstrate effective strategies to support disadvantaged students
  • Recognising that not all who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and not all socially disadvantaged pupils will be in receipt of free school meals
  • Allocating the Pupil Premium Grant to classes, groups or individuals identified as a priority.

Not all children who are eligible for the pupil premium grant will be in receipt of tailored interventions at any one time, but every student within the categories of vulnerability will have their needs and progress regularly evaluated by SLT and the Pupil Premium Lead (Mrs Katie Burniston)

Any queries about PP can be sent to Mrs Burniston - k.burniston@beverleyhigh.net